2019 機器人變裝秀得獎公告來了!
恭喜參加【Learning A-Z機器人變裝秀】的家長們獲得
Simmy Yg、John Williams Jr.、詹燿州、Viola Tseng、Jean Huang、Angelo Lin、雪莉許、王一晴、張翼翔、Maggie Hsiao、Upton Y. Lin👉臺灣教育科技展
Sandra Chien、棗厥芳、Po Po、莊俊彥、Judy Chen
請在12/17中午前私訊我們MangoSTEEMS TW 粉絲專頁喔! 謝謝大家~
For the parents who attended our “Learning A-Z Robot Costume Party” in ZA Share and EdTech, please send us a message by Dec. 17 noon to claim your prize, thanks!