Age 5-11+ ♥ English/Languages, Social Studies

Raz-Plus Delivers a Personalized Blended Learning Approach to Literacy


Raz-Plus 是一套強調混合學習方法的英語閱讀學習平台。內容上混合了「課前指導、課堂練習與課後測驗」的個人學習方式,搭配老師的教學和有趣的誘因設定,再加上系統提供的各種分析報告,能有效強化課程內容與實際操作的連結,並確保學生能透過漸進式的階段學習融會貫通,更能從練習中有效學習英文的閱讀能力。

  • 超過 50,000 種以上高品質學習資源,幫助發展 21 世紀最重要的各項核心技能
  • 擁有 3,800 本以上的書籍和額外閱讀資料,根據學習程度及難易度分級
  • 從入門 aa 級到有美國 12 年級閱讀程度的 Z2 級,29 階段分級內容帶領學生一步步領略閱讀的樂趣
  • 教材內容除了可線上使用外,並支援行動裝置 APP 操作,老師另可下載及列印
  • 依照學生學習狀況,由數據平台客製化提供個人及班級學習成果報告
  • 每個班級最多可設置 36 位學生
  • 提供各項評估分析工具,讓老師得以適當安排學生學習進度,提供最合適的指導


Raz-Plus: Your Reading Co-Pilot!

The Hollow Kids Series

I use the Raz-Plus program daily! I had students advance multiple reading levels in just one year of using it. One student in particular went from reading on a C/D level to a K level at the end of the year and answering questions with 70-100% accuracy.


Candra Huckaby, Life Skills Teacher
McMichael Middle School; Nacogdoches Independent School District; Nacagdoches, Texas

Raz-Plus is aligned with DRA and F/P Assessments to test students’ reading levels, and it allows me to track progress with data. Students take quizzes that help them earn stars to dress up their avatar, and the projectables are great for shared reading activities.


Sonya Corley, Teacher
North Aiken Elementary; Aiken County SD; Aiken, South Carolina
